If you suffer from breast tenderness during your period there are five vitamins that you need to know about.
These five vitamins not only could reduce your breast soreness but actually can prevent it from occurring.
Here are the five vitamins you need to know:
1. Vitamin D
If you are deficient in this vitamin it can lead to a whole host of diseases and symptoms, many of them related to the breast. In fact, experts say that Vitamin D deficiency can be a cause of over 300 different diseases, including cancer – although sore breasts are not a symptom of breast cancer in 93% of cases.
2. Vitamin E
This vitamin is great protector again free radical damage that can destroy cells in the body. It is a great vitamin to take to reduce or eliminate breast soreness before, during or after your period. Vitamin E also protects selenium, which helps prevent breast cancer. You should take 400 IU of Vitamin E daily.
As for Vitamin E’s effect on sore breasts, in one study 100 women with pain and PMS during their period were divided into two groups. One group received only 50 mg vitamin E for 10 days before their period and 4 days during their period for three months. The other group got a placebo. Seventy-six percent of the group receiving Vitamin E had improvement in their condition while just 29% of those in the placebo group had improvement.
3. Vitamin A
This antioxidant decreases soreness in the breasts by eliminating free radicals from your body. It also works with Vitamins E and C to keep your levels of each beneficial vitamin at optimal levels. Thanks to this relationship, if you are low in one vitamin the other two will step in to regenerate it. However, if you’re low in all three vitamins, then your body will suffer.
At this time, no one fully understands how Vitamin A really reduces breast soreness but the fact remains that it does. You should 10,000 IU daily for sore breasts.
4. Vitamin C
This powerful vitamin is both an antioxidant and a diuretic so it can have a dramatic reducing effect on breast soreness. You can take anywhere from 500 mg to 4000 mg daily.
5. Vitamin B Complex
The B complex of vitamins is made up of: vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, B15, biotin, folic acid, PABA, choline and inositol. Many of these vitamins run metabolic processes and some of them cause PMS symptoms when there’s a vitamin deficiency.
When it comes to combating breast soreness, Vitamin B6 may be one of the best choices because it acts as a diuretic. By taking Vitamin B6 you can decrease some of the accumulation of fluid in your body, including in your breast – and when fluid is removed there it will relieve some of the pressure and reduce soreness.
One way to ensure you get all the necessary vitamins to reduce or even eliminate breast soreness is to take a period vitamin. Often times, the combination of ingredients is even more powerful than taking each individually. Plus, you don’t have to worry about spending the money to buy multiple supplements or remembering to take each supplement in the right dose and at the right time.