When it comes to getting rid of menstrual cramps you may have thought your options were limited but actually there are several things you can do – by yourself and at home – to relieve pain from cramps.
In this article, we are going to discuss five steps you can take to relieve menstrual cramp pain.
Step 1 – Rub them out!
In this step, you want to massage your abdomen, your lower back and your buttocks. You can do it yourself or have a significant other help you. When massaging, apply pressure to the areas, this will activate acupressure points and lead to even more relief.
Step 2 – Steam them out!
Another effective way to relieve menstrual cramps is to apply a hot pack or hot water bottle to the area where you are experiencing the cramps. The heat will loosen and relax the muscles. The warmth also draws more blood and nutrients to the area, which can also reduce cramps.
Step 3 – Exercise them out!
Exercise is another way to relieve painful period cramps. In particular, exercises that work the abdomen are beneficial. Research has also shown that aquatic exercise can relieve menstrual cramps. Another option would be to walk and as you walk periodically contract your abdominal muscles.
Step 4 – Supplement them out!
Taking a period vitamin that is high in essential vitamins and minerals can be a great way to reduce or prevent menstrual cramps. You can also take herbs that have been shown to reduce cramps. These include: red raspberry leaf, chasteberry, dong quai, damiana, black cohosh, and blue cohosh.
You may even be able to find a period vitamin that contains both vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, and herbs, such as those listed above so that you get the best of both worlds.
Another option is to have your hair 1’ed to find out what minerals you may be low in. For example, if you are low in calcium, magnesium and omega-3 these deficiencies can lead to menstrual cramping.
Step 5 – Juice or eat them out!
Some foods and drinks contain important nutrients that help prevent cramps, such as calcium, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.
When it comes to consuming a wide range of fruits and vegetables and ensuring you get the essential nutrients they contain, juicing is a viable option.
With juicing, you don’t have to eat your swiss chard or mustard greens, you can juice them together with more flavorful veggies such as tomatoes, carrots and celery. Sipping on a healthy drink each day curbs hunger, makes you feel centered and calm, and most importantly, can make a big difference in your menstrual cramps.
In addition to juicing, you may also want to change your diet so that you eat five or more servings of vegetables, including two servings of dark, leafy greens and three servings of fruit along with lean meats and nuts and/or seeds.
This type of diet can go a long way toward eliminating your cramps. While each individual step listed above can be beneficial, doing all the steps together can provide your best chance at getting rid of cramps quickly and even preventing them from occuring.
That’s why if you wondering how to get rid of cramps, taking these five steps together should be your first choice.